Monday, April 19, 2010

Adding Navigation

It Lately we've been working on the Adding Navigation tab of the wiki. It was really hard because when we would get on Flash and type in the codes and it wouldn't work. I got so frustrated because we saw so many tutorials about it, we would do exactly what they were doing and it wouldn't come out right. That's what I hate about working in Flash because you follow all of the directions carefully but Flash says that it's wrong. Like today when we were working on demo 3. We were watching the tutorial and we did exactly what they did on the tutorial but Flash said that there were two errors. And we would go to the errors and it was the same thing that was on the tutorial but they didn't have any errors. That's what I hated about working in Flash. This a video that I chose to write about. Because it gives you an idea of what we were doing in class. It's a tutorial about adding navigation on Flash.

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