Friday, September 24, 2010

Juan Z 5 2010

Possible Topics - This website shows me all kinds of Social Issues we have in this world. So that could be a good website to use as a reference. - I like this website a lot because these days you see a lot of kids in poverty. Some kids don't get the same stuff we do. I chose it because it's about kids just like me. - This website is about people coming together to make the world a better place. I agree because this world is not such a good place. But if we come all together, then we can. - This website is made by kids to support world crisis. Such as, floodings, earthquakes, poverty, hunger. - This is a possible reference because a lot of kids get sexually abused really often. - I know how a lot of teenagers always think that they have so many problems so they commit suicide. That's why I think it's interesting. - This website is interesting to me because a lot of kids start smoking when they are barely in middle school and not only does it harm them but us too because smoking weed causes pollution. - This website is a possible topic because homelessness can always start at an early age. Plus, there is a really famous street person who lives in Austin.
This website led me to all the other websites above.

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