I'm making the best blog that I ever made. I will be writing about my Globaloria class from beginning to end. So on the first day we heard that later in the year we will be making our own games. But we had to go step by step, first we had to make a Gmail to have a Wiki and a blog. So after we made our Gmail we made our Wiki. We made our profile with our avatar we added people to our social profile and stuff like that. We also blogged a lot over the rest of the semester about Globaloria until that point. Our Wiki pages got more and more advanced. We added videos and we played with it a lot like that. We chose a Social Issues topic to make our game about. I chose to make a game about gangs. But first we had to practice by working on the Mini Game Project. I the Mini Game Project we had a carrot and a bunny and we would use codes from the wiki page to make them do stuff. Like first make the carrot appear, the move the carrot to right side of the page, then we made the carrot move by itself to the right side of the page, then we made it move when we used the arrow keys, then put the bunny in and moving up and down with the arrow keys, then make it eat the carrot, and then to score 1 point after he eats it. We did that for one week and then blog about what we felt about that week. We also planned our whole game. In my game you had to show people what the consequences were fro being in gangs. Where it would ask you what coordinates you would go to. The streets, the school, the police station and the last one the Capitol where you have to save the governor. But after all of that Mrs. Miller decided that we will all be in groups correspondent to our objectives. My group decided to make a game about recycling. It's about you playing as a recycle man where you have to pick up as much trash as you can, and that game we hope will teach people to stop throwing trash everywhere. There are 3 levels to that the creek, the school, and the park.That was what has been going on since the beginning of the year in Globaloria. I'm looking forward to learning how to create our game. I want to create our game already and publish it in the Internet. I'm exited about creating my first game because anybody has access to it. Not just us everyone in this world. And just about how many people will play it. Some of the players maybe I don't even know them. That is why I'm excited about it. That's how Globaloria has been.
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