Monday, January 25, 2010

The Mini Game

Last week we worked with Flash. I really liked Flash because it was so easy and just like that if you test the movie it moves. I don't really think it was hard because the wiki would tell you exactly specifically what to do. All you got to do is just do what it says to do and it comes out right.The best part was how you can move the bunny by using the arrow keys and every time you ate the carrot you would get one point. The worst part was that sometimes it could get really frustrating. Sometimes you would put in the code and everything but nothing would happen. So that's basically what we did last week. And we did everything in this order. First we turned the carrot into a movie clip, then we moved the carrot from left to right, then we made the carrot move across the screen, then we made the bunny move by using the arrow keys, then we made the bunny eat the carrot, and then lastly we put the scoreboard so that every time you eat the carrot you get one point. Then on Friday we got a lesson from a lady that was speaking to us on the phone and we could see her Mini Game Template on the screen. Only the bad thing was that we had to do everything all over again.

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